

申请cesium的token 官网【Cesium: The Platform for 3D Geospatial


 pickPosition在depthTestAgainstTerrain = false时只能在3DTile上获取准确位置,当depthTestAgainstTerrain = true时, 在3DTile和底图上均能获取准确位置

viewer.scene.globe.depthTestAgainstTerrain = true; // 开启地形深度检测

// pickEllipsoid在加载地形的情况下有一定误差,地形凹凸程度越大,误差越大。
// pickPosition在depthTestAgainstTerrain = false时只能在3DTile上获取准确位置,当depthTestAgainstTerrain = true时,
// 在3DTile和底图上均能获取准确位置

  <div id="cesiumContainer"></div>

  <!-- <div id="infoboxs" :style="qnameclass" class="qnamebox">{{ qname }}</div> -->
  <!-- <div class="btnbox">
    <div class="btnboxel">
      <el-button class="btnel" v-for="item in pointData2" :key="item.modelId" @click="showBubble(item)">{{ item.name
  </div> -->

<script setup lang='ts'>
import * as Cesium from "cesium";
import $ from 'jquery'
import { fa } from "element-plus/es/locales.mjs";
import { onMounted, reactive, ref, computed, nextTick } from "vue";
import { it } from "node:test";
// 地图实例
let viewer: any;

let tileset; //设置一个变量来存放通过3DTiles创建的模型
let handler
let selectedFeature
const selected = {
  feature: undefined,
  originalColor: new Cesium.Color(),
let qname = ref()
let qnameclass = reactive({
  top: '',
  left: '',

let valshow

let infos: any = reactive({
  pups: []
let infoBox1 = ref()
onMounted(() => {

  // 初始化Cesium并创建viewer
  Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken =
  viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
    infoBox: true, // 禁用沙箱,解决控制台报错
    selectionIndicator: false, //选择指示器
    timeline: false, // 时间轴
    animation: false, // 动画小组件
    // geocoder: false, // 地理编码(搜索)组件
    homeButton: false, // 首页,点击之后将视图跳转到默认视角
    sceneModePicker: false, // 投影方式,切换2D、3D 和 Columbus View (CV) 模式。
    baseLayerPicker: false, // 底图组件,选择三维数字地球的底图(imagery and terrain)。
    navigationHelpButton: false, // 帮助按钮
    fullscreenButton: false, // 全屏按钮

    imageryProvider: new Cesium.ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider({
      url: "https://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer",
      // enablePickFeatures: false,
    // terrainProvider: new Cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider({
    //   url: "http://data.marsgis.cn/terrain",
    // }),
    scene3DOnly: true, // 每个几何实例将只能以3D渲染以节省GPU内存
    sceneMode: 3, // 初始场景模式 1 2D模式 2 2D循环模式 3 3D模式  Cesium.SceneMode
    new Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({
      url: "http://t0.tianditu.gov.cn/cia_w/wmts?tk=2d58d1852b0b28db058bbe353a22b91b",
      layer: "cia",
      style: "default",
      tileMatrixSetID: "w",
      format: "tiles",
      maximumLevel: 18,
  viewer._cesiumWidget._creditContainer.style.display = "none"; //隐藏logo版权
  viewer.scene.globe.depthTestAgainstTerrain = true; // 开启地形深度检测
  let destination = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(117.598276295, 24.21475226, 80); // 北京天安门广场的经纬度坐标及高度
    destination: destination,
    duration: 2, // 飞行动画持续时间(单位:秒)
    orientation: {
      heading: Cesium.Math.toRadians(-25), // 方向 y 左右摇头
      pitch: Cesium.Math.toRadians(-20), // 倾斜角度 x  上下点头  -90看地面  0看前方  90看天上
      roll: 0, //z 歪头看
  handler = new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(viewer.scene.canvas);
  // getasdM()
  //   const layer = viewer.imageryLayers.get(0);
  // viewer.scene.globe.baseColor = new Cesium.Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0); // 把地球背景色透明
  // layer.alpha = 0.8;
  // viewer.scene.globe.translucency.backFaceAlpha = 0.5; // 应用于地球背面的恒定半透明度
  // viewer.scene.globe.translucency.enabled = true; // 开启地表透明

  // window._viewer=viewer



// 每帧都要更新标签位置
function getBubble() {
  viewer.scene.postRender.addEventListener(() => {
    // console.log("气泡",infos.pups)
    infos.pups.forEach((item: any) => {

      let worldcoodinate = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(item.position.longitude, item.position.latitude, item.position.height)
      //  let  screenpops=Cesium.SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates(viewer.scene,worldcoodinate)
      let screenpops = Cesium.SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates(viewer.scene, worldcoodinate)
      let pupdiv: any = document.getElementById(item.id)

      if (pupdiv && screenpops) {
        //  let infoBox1= new Cesium.InfoBox(document.getElementById(item.id))
        pupdiv.style.top = screenpops.y - 80 + 'px'
        pupdiv.style.left = screenpops.x + 'px'
        let pupdivA: any = document.getElementById(item.id + 'A')
        console.log("pupdivA.height:", pupdivA.style.height)
        //  pupdivA.style.top = screenpops.y-80+25 + 'px'
        //  pupdivA.style.left = screenpops.x-20+ 'px'
        // pupdiv.style.sheet.addRule('#'+'::after', 'content: "";position:absolute; width: 0;height: 0; top: 25px;left: -35px;border-top: 10px solid transparent;border-bottom: 10px solid transparent;border-right: 35px solid #42b983; transform: skewY(-50deg)');


// 右击事件
function getRightClick() {
  handler.setInputAction(function (event) {
    // 此处点击模型
    // const pickedObject = viewer.scene.pick(event.position);
    let windowpos = viewer.camera.getPickRay(event.position)

    // 判断是否点击地球
    if (windowpos) {
      // pickEllipsoid在加载地形的情况下有一定误差,地形凹凸程度越大,误差越大。
      // pickPosition在depthTestAgainstTerrain = false时只能在3DTile上获取准确位置,当depthTestAgainstTerrain = true时,
      // 在3DTile和底图上均能获取准确位置

      // let cartesian2 = viewer.camera.pickEllipsoid(event.position, viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid);
      var cartesian2 = viewer.scene.pickPosition(event.position)
      //  console.log("cartesian",cartesian)
      let carto2 = viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(cartesian2)

      // if (Cesium.defined(pickedObject)) {
      //   console.log("右击事件");
      //   const id = pickedObject.getProperty("id");
      //   const name = pickedObject.getProperty("name");
      //   let params = { id: buildUUID(), position: carto2, modelId: id, name }
      //   ceastPup(params)
      //   // const entity = pickedObject.id;
      //   // if (Cesium.defined(entity)) {
      //   //   console.log("右击事件", entity);
      //   // }
      // }
      //  const id = pickedObject.getProperty("id");
      //   const name = pickedObject.getProperty("name");
      var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10+1);
      let params = { id: buildUUID(), position: carto2, modelId: buildUUID(), name: getRandomChineseWord(randomNumber) }

  }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_CLICK)
function getRandomChineseWord(num) {
  let arr: any = []
  for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    var _rsl = "";
    // 40869 - 19968  40870 - 19968
    var _randomUniCode = Math.floor(Math.random() * (40870 - 19968) + 19968).toString(16);
    eval("_rsl=" + '"\\u' + _randomUniCode + '"');
  let chinese = arr.join("")
  return chinese;

// 创建气泡
function ceastPup(param: any) {
  let object: any = infos.pups.find(item => { return item.id == param.id })

  if (!object) {

    object = new Object()
    object.id = param.id
    object.position = param.position
    let divmark = `<div id='${param.id}'  style="position:absolute;width:340px;background-color:#42b983;border-radius:5px;color:#fff; 
    " >
      <div id='${param.id}A' style=" position: absolute;
            width: 10px;
            height: 40px;
            top: 35px;
            left: -20px;
            border-top: 0px solid transparent;
            border-bottom: 50px solid transparent;
            border-right: 12px solid #42b983;
            border-left: 10px solid transparent;
            transform: skewY(-50deg);"></div>
          <div style="margin-left:20px;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;margin-right:10px">
    // let divmark = "<div id='"+ param.id +"'  style='position:absolute;width:200px;height:50px;background-color:#42b983;border-radius:5px;' ></div>"

    //  console.log("divmark",divmark)
    // var style = document.createElement("style");
    // document.head.appendChild(style);
    // let sheet: any = style.sheet;
    // console.log("sheet",sheet)
    // // //兼容IE浏览器
    // sheet.addRule('#'+param.id+'::after', 'content: "";position:absolute; width: 0;height: 0; top: 25px;left: -35px;border-top: 10px solid transparent;border-bottom: 10px solid transparent;border-right: 35px solid #42b983; transform: skewY(-50deg)');

    //       $('<style>#'+param.id+'::after{content: "";position:absolute; width: 0;height: 0; top: 25px;left: -35px;border-top: 10px solid transparent;border-bottom: 10px solid transparent;border-right: 35px solid #42b983; transform: skewY(-50deg);}</style>').appendTo('head');

    $('#' + viewer._container.id).append(divmark)



// 随机数字
const buildUUID = () => {
  const hexList: string[] = [];
  for (let i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
    hexList[i] = i.toString(16);
  let uuid = "";
  for (let i = 1; i <= 36; i++) {
    if (i === 9 || i === 14 || i === 19 || i === 24) {
      uuid += "-";
    } else if (i === 15) {
      uuid += 4;
    } else if (i === 20) {
      uuid += hexList[(Math.random() * 4) | 8];
    } else {
      uuid += hexList[(Math.random() * 16) | 0];
  return uuid.replace(/-/g, "");

// 加载模型
const getasdM = () => {

  try {
    tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
      url: '../../public/asd/tileset.json',
      // type: "3dtiles",

      maximumScreenSpaceError: 2, //最大的屏幕空间误差
      show: true,
      modelMatrix: Cesium.Matrix4.fromArray([0.9920306777526413, 0.035672572522648105, 0.12084122627336652, 0, -0.0052179803729043295, 0.9698924230752208, -0.24347784363696146, 0, -0.12588847079245385, 0.24090694309399502, 0.9623491765937375, 0, -1232.2319169966504, 2358.065217874944, 6764.694671697915, 1]),

    // viewer.extend(Cesium.viewerCesium3DTilesInspectorMixin); // 开启3D Tiles检测器

  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Error loading tileset: ${error}`);


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